воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

atmosphere pollution

They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one anotherrsquo;s throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And donrsquo;t have any kids yourself.

- Philip Larkin, 1971

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

cranberry internal medicine

Happy Friday, everyone

Todayapos;s question comes from Sel, who asked, "When editing, do you find yourself doing more cutting or adding?"

I am usually adding. There might be the odd cutting here and there, there were only two chapters of PG5 that got cut, but a lot of little things that were added. Mostly itapos;s a matter of clearing things up for the reader or working in a subplot or a character arc. It doesnapos;t seem like a lot when itapos;s all spread out like that. And when editing, Iapos;ve been taking it a step at a time, which is handy when you get 6-page emails of things to fix.

So what about everyone else? Are you cutting or adding in the editing process?
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chamber clip kim

I just got asked to clean my room for the first time in like eight years, lmao.
My first fencing thing was today, and it was fun We even got to use the equipment already The English teacher was "supervising", lmfao. She enjoys showing off how good she is at stretching exercises and also smiling with her face. It was harder because of my foot, but it should definitely be better by next Thursday, otherwise I probably like broke something.
I have to go to Ottawa tomorrow. :(
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The big deal was that I wasnapos;t the first target, the girl sitting next to me was, but I thought everyone was looking at me since Iapos;m usually the guy getting razzed at "Nick" house. Oh and for those who watch College Hill, the guy that was chasing me was Boatner from the first season. It ended up going outside when I was the younger guy outside and Boatner wanted to "whip some bad kids"...and by being the younger guy outside...I was "the kid"...

Aw well, that was a bit of a random day, hopefully there will be more days like that later on..later days, amigos
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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In case youapos;re a little confused about which fandom Iapos;ve posted for or what the title is or what the tags are all about, hereapos;s a little key to help you out:

In the subject line: Fandom goes here [Title of piece goes here; chapter goes here if there are multiple chapters] (ex. TSCC [Poison Apples Chapter 3] or Firefly [Tumble])

Actual post: Here you will have a brief break down of what is in the post.
Title: (title of fic)
Summary: (summary of the fic)
Rating: (self-explanatory, goes by the FF.net rating system)
Warnings: (things you should be aware of before reading)
Characters: (who is in the fic)
Author Notes: (anything I have to say about the fic)

Behind LJ cut: This will be the actual fic/chapter.

Tags: this will tell you the fandom and the type of story (ex. Tscc: drabbles) or if it is a chapter fic, it will tell you the fandom and the title of the story within that fandom (ex. Tscc: poison apples). It will also tell you the rating (ex. Rating: k+), and if it is focusing on a specific character (ex. Character: river). If it isnapos;t a fan fic post it will be listed as (author notes).

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

fa 18 hornet

Today got back promo results.
just want to praise the Lord for all He has done, pulling me through this year
no matter how bad my results may be, one thing i know, God is far greater, better and everything else above my circumstaces
and that Heapos;ll turn my mourning into dancing..

my results are really very bad...
if u knew about it, and u know how well i usually do for my studies, youapos;ll just be dumbfounded.
i donapos;t wish for the fever to be an excuse...
after all, if i know, i know, dunno is dunno.
the fever is just the body temperature being higher, thatapos;sall, what has it got to do with my scores.
and i donapos;t want to excuse my "donapos;t knows" because of the fever.
right now iapos;m just in a state of dilemma... To choose whatapos;s best for myself.

i ind all of my options has itapos;s pros and cons.
and i donapos;t really care about what people think of me should i choose choice A over choice B.
ultimately itapos;s my results that matter in the course of JC.
but is it worthwhile to do it, cos i seriously donapos;t know if itapos;s a foundation problem, or a writing problem, esp for physics.
i guess for econs, more or less itapos;s a writing problem, which i really do have to improve on....
but for chem i have no gauge at all, and itapos;s my weakest subject.
i donapos;t want to end up just passing my A lvls....

and my com chooses now to have an update, so i have to restart my com. Zzz.

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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

chip epson resetter

Every moment seems to be life changing
letters in the mail are no longer exchanges
just notices, denies, bills; it gets discouraging.
Who hides behind the corner?
Who hides in that van?
Will we be residing in your homeland
within the present time?
I shall not fear
what lies so near
my eyes are so open
I wish I could correspond
my thoughts with yours.
It will all work out, I am sure.
I am not. But i tell you this
because it is what you need to hear.
Reassurance is the cure.
We will make it through
struggle, change, sucess- me and you.
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